Regarding the contact lens, "without removing the Month"
05 Mar 2014
As an employee in contact correction of vision, I would like to express his opinion about the contact lenses "without removing the Month."
First of all, note that Ukraine is responsible for filing a false or incorrect information - minimum. And in making money are doing so that if the manufacturer is silent about some things, Ukrainian distributor starts to be active and often in the order of things begins to present your product with some additional parameters. In particular, the situation with contact lenses that supposedly can be worn without removing month.
In fact, things are so. Daily wear lenses recommended by a doctor. If the patient is ready to take off your contact lenses every night, the doctor and the approach to it, in this case, it is easier - quite the doctor to look after 7-10 days if the patient is first started wearing lenses - or 3-6 months if he is them regularly. If the user really 'wants lens in which to sleep and enjoy, while Moon ", the work of a doctor in this case should be different. The physician should conduct additional research carefully to find out all relevant questions, offer flexible patient "exit" on the regime and insist on multiple repeat examinations.
In the civilized world, things are quite different. The doctor relies entirely on the manufacturer's instructions and in any case not offer the patient treatment the patient wearing interested or call longer than this time wearing. Moreover, given the well developed insurance, the doctor tries to three safe itself and therefore strongly encourages the patient, including, in writing, to remove lenses at night.
There are quite a nasty eye diseases. The reason just might be leaving contact lenses in the eyes at night. Given the enormous importance of, I highly recommend not lazy and remove lenses at night. Some users can not, still wear lenses without removing a week, two weeks or even a month. Statistics says that these patients about 15%. This is explained by the structure and properties of the tears of those people. If your doctor was doing with you all the necessary skurpuleznostyu work and let you wear them without removing a certain time, you can take a risk, while remaining always on the alert. But I'm pretty sure that few doctors (in Ukraine) prodelyvet complete work - so take care of their health themselves, do not be frivolous and remove any contact lenses overnight.
According to the regulations the manufacturer is only one declared lens ?? like that you can try to wear without removing month - AirOpix N & D (with appropriate medical supervision). In reality, this lens does not become the main lens company Ciba Vision is due to the fact that in the civilized world practiced removing lenses overnight.
best regards,
Viktor Shevtsov