0 products
The largest manufacturer of ophthalmic equipment and care of contact lenses.
The company Alcon Laboratories - manufacturer of contact lens care. A global company, with all its consequences, both positive and negative.
Manufacturer means to care for contact lenses: multi-functional solutions, single-step purification systems, enzyme tablets and moisturizers.
One of the world leaders in the manufacture of contact lenses and other means to contact vision correction.
The Korean company Bescon - exists since 1961 and is one of the leading players in the Asian market contact lenses.
Manufacturer glasses, glasses for sports and accessories for contact lenses. The main office is located in Italy.
Improve, protect and preserve the eyesight of people around the world - the company's mission.
The company Cooper Vision, the United States produces a wide range of contact lenses. Represented in Ukraine Russian supplier.
The Spanish company Iberia Vision Care was founded in 2008 with the aim of producing hypoallergenic cosmetics for contact lens users.
Latvian manufacturer of contact lens solution. The company produces only one solution - Multison, using "non-Soviet" components.
Sauflon Pharmaceuticals Limited - a British manufacturing company specializing in the field of contact lens.
Shamir Optical is one of the world`s leading developers and manufacturers of the high-quality progressive and monofocal lenses.
Company SOLEKO S.p.A. Italy is a manufacturer of medical devices for ophthalmology, namely, lenses, soft and hard contact lenses, contact lens care.
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