Contact Lenses for Children
15 Sep 2010
Many know how frustrating when you at school called "bespectacled man." And probably each had at least one classmate with glasses, which almost always became the object of ridicule. At best, it simply ignored.
Psychologists believe that wearing glasses at school age can be a significant psychological problem, which lays mark the rest of his life.
And if a few years ago the only solution to this problem were attempts parent convince a child that the glasses that's fine, they do not have to be ashamed of, and given the right they can be profitable way to emphasize facial features (which, otherwise, could not very many parents) , now in the problem have yet another solution - contact lenses.
In most cases, contact lenses allowed children from the age of six. At this age the child is already capable of independently or under partial supervision of parents to care for lenses. In some cases, ophthalmologists recommend contact vision correction for young children. But then care for the lenses should perform older family members.
In psychological comfort, you can list several benefits of contact correction of vision:
- Contact lenses do not lead to restriction of the visual field and optic distortion items. While the glasses significantly reduce peripheral sight, making it difficult spatial orientation;
- Contact lenses is perfectly suitable for children, as they often lead an active lifestyle - play outdoors, play sports, attend various clubs and electives. In these circumstances glasses show themselves no better - they can fall dust, mist up. In the fall of a child can break glasses, travmuvavshy its fragments. Often poorly glasses stand on the bridge and they must always correct. All these problems can be avoided by using properly fitted contact lenses.
In the children's contact vision correction can be applied both soft and hard contact lenses. But as the feature of children's eyes is corneal sensitivity lower than in adults, it would be best for the child lenses with high oxygen permeability (Dk / t).
Indications of contact lenses the child may be the following diseases:
Nearsightedness (myopia)
Today Myopia is the most common defect in the optical system of the eye. According to ophthalmologists Britain, Myopia occurs in 5% seven-year children, trynadtsatyrichnyh 38% and 52% of twenty people. Many studies have shown that wearing both soft and hard gas permeable contact lenses slows the progression of myopia, and in some cases even stabilize it.
Farsightedness (hyperopia)
In this case, pin type correction helps the child see objects real dimensions and take them on the distance at which they are actually opposed to correction with glasses that distort the size of objects and distance to them, which increases the risk street accidents.
This anomaly optical system of the eye, in which the two perpendicular meridians, the eye has different refractive power. The hardest korrehyruetsya mixed astigmatism when these two mutually perpendicular meridians combines two different refractive errors: myopia and hyperopia.
In addition, the astigmatism that reduces visual acuity, it sometimes leads to strabismus and amblyopia and can cause ailments child.
It is a condition where the refraction right and left eyes are different. In this case, spectacle correction causes considerable inconvenience because, due to the difference in optical power, a lens can be much harder other. Furthermore spectacle correction in this case often causes nausea in children and headaches, due to the size difference images. Using contact lenses, these problems can be avoided by making the correction more effective.
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
In the presence of this defect of treatment points is carried out as follows: the eye sees close okklyuderom (who faced knows what it is, who have not experienced - remember children who have one eye or one glass glasses taped), giving optimal optical correction for the worse seeing eyes. Typically, children with reluctance to agree to this kind of treatment through the look and caused him discomfort.
It is much easier to penalization (from the French. Penalite - penalties apply) sees better eye with a special contact lens. Thus the child will not feel uncomfortable, because apparently it is not noticeable. Another plus is that the eye sees good peep from under the contact lens is absolutely impossible, while children with glasses trying to do it quite often.
Aphakia (no lens)
Correction sided afakyy points in children is virtually impossible, due to the fact that there is between the eyes is very high refraction, and therefore the difference in weight is very large glasses. In addition, wearing glasses with unilateral afakyy anizeykoniya is the reason - the state in which the image of the same object perceived value of each eye differently. Correction bilateral afakyy theoretically can be done with glasses, but in this case points to a large extent will zoom in and zoom objects, as in the case of hipermetriya limiting lateral view. Therefore, to date, most aphakia in children is corrected with contact lenses.
It noted that contact lenses can not be used if:
- The child is the manifestation of acute viral infection;
- Starts an infectious eye disease;
- If the child observed allergic reactions to foods, plants, household allergens and medicines - in the form of allergic konyuktyvyta.
If the child uses a contact correction of vision, it does not mean that the glasses do not need it.
First: severe enough can become a "prolongation" of lenses, so contact correction should alternate with spectacle that would cornea could rest from contact with the lens.
Second, as mentioned earlier, the use of lenses is unacceptable in times of infectious diseases, which occasionally occurs in children.
Experts strongly recommend that remove lenses at night, what would your eyes a rest, even if your child uses a flexible lens, prolonged or continuous modes wear.
Keep in mind that the selection of contact lenses for the baby - a very important event, so for him to be taken seriously. It is necessary to see a specialist this profile.
Before you allow the wearing of lenses, the doctor must conduct a full eye examination Children's Eye examination using a slit lamp, visual acuity, diameter and radius of curvature of the cornea, determination of refractive eye oftalmoskopyyu. After analyzing the survey results, the doctor decides what lenses fit a particular child. Parents must be present during the inspection so the doctor can explain to them the pros and cons of contact correction of children, and the rules of wearing lenses, methods of caring for them and their storage.