Home Articles For beginners Contraindications to wearing contact lenses

Contraindications to wearing contact lenses

Contact lenses - optical handy tool that greatly surpasses conventional glasses. For example, in the lenses is much easier to engage in active sports, the lens is not misted when hit with the cold outside in a warm room, and no slip nose like glasses.
And most importantly - lenses provide greater examination, while the man in glasses limited review. However, unfortunately, wearing contact lenses is shown not every patient suffering defects of vision. Before deciding to wear lenses, be sure to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist and, if possible, in kontaktoloha doctor - a specialist in contact correction of vision.
Contraindications to wearing contact lenses can be purely individual, but there is a list of some eye diseases in which the lens is completely or temporarily contraindicated:
Eye Infections
The disease is caused by bacterial or viral infections. The main clinical forms of eye infections conjunctivitis is localization (66.7% of all patients with inflammatory diseases of the eye) and blepharitis (23.3%), rarely seen keratitis
Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva)
Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) caused, often, allergic reaction or infection (viral, bacterial less). There adenoviral (farinhokon'yunktivalnaya fever), herpes, bacterial, chlamydial, acute and chronic conjunctivitis.
Blepharitis (inflammation edges century)
Blepharitis (blepharitis Latin from the Greek βλ? Φαρον - eyelid) - a large group of various eye diseases involving chronic inflammation edges century and difficult to treat. The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), children can act as pathogen epidermal staph (Staphylococcus epidermidis).
The cause of blepharitis is a chronic infectious and allergic diseases, viral infections, vitamin deficiencies, anemia, diseases of the digestive tract, teeth, nasal pathology Nekorryhyrovannaya view. Contribute disease and permanent eye irritation wind, dust, smoke. The disease usually occurs during steady decrease immunity.
Keratitis (corneal inflammation)
Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea, which is manifested mainly of clouding, ulceration, pain and redness of the eye. It may be traumatic or infectious (influenza, tuberculosis, etc.). Origin. There lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm, reducing transparency and shine with subsequent corneal ulcer and the development of serious complications. Possible outcome keratitis - pain, reduced vision.
Xerophthalmia (dry conjunctiva and cornea)
Xerophthalmia (from the Greek ξερ? Σ - dry and? Φθαλμ? Σ - eye) - dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye that occurs due to violation of tearing. Xerophtalmia may cause vitamin deficiency, trachoma, chemical burns of the eyes.
Violation composition of tear fluid
The bulk of tears (99%) is water, the rest - inorganic materials (sodium chloride, sodium carbonate and magnesium as well as calcium sulfate and phosphate). The bactericidal properties allows the enzyme lysozyme in tears. As part of the tears also a 0.1% other proteins. Tear film on the surface of the eye has three main layers - the slimy, water and fat. Any violation of the ratio of these layers can lead to dry eye syndrome.
Lacrimal tract obstruction
Tear normally passes through small holes located in the nasal corner of the eye slit on the upper and lower eyelid. Lacrimal duct blockage prevents the normal passage of tears.
Lacrimal tract obstruction can be caused by several reasons:
- No tear point;
- Narrowing or compression at any place;
- Infektsiya;
- Bone obstacle.
Acute anterior segment inflammation (iritis)
Iritis - inflammation of the iris.
There is a consequence of getting an infection inside the eye injuries and various diseases (influenza, diseases of the teeth and tonsils, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, brucellosis, and so on. D.). Skid pathogens or their toxins in the choroid, is through the vessels of ciliary body.
Reduced corneal sensitivity
Reduced corneal sensitivity reduces the separation tears and increases the risk Xerophtalmia, local infection and injury, making it vulnerable.
Ptosis (ptosis)
Ptosis of the upper eyelid (from the Greek πτ? Σις - fall) - ptosis.
The cause of congenital ptosis is underdevelopment or absence of muscle lifting the upper eyelid.
The cause of acquired ptosis are many neurological diseases (stroke, encephalitis and other, often as part of Horner's syndrome), leading to paresis or paralysis of the oculomotor nerve ynnervyruyuscheho muscle lifting the upper eyelid.
Chronic allergic eye
Due to anatomical location, eyes wide open influence of different allergens. Eye allergies are among widespread diseases. Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the body's hypersensitivity to a particular substance, which in similar quantities does not cause any reactions in most people. Among the factors leading to allergic conjunctivitis, first of all should include pollen, dust in the processing of agricultural products, wool, feather and down, household chemicals, pesticides, detergents (detergents), house dust, occupational hazard, cosmetics and perfumes. Allergic conjunctivitis, chronic, with periods of exacerbation can be caused by food, especially containing preservatives and other chemical additives. The cause of allergic conjunctivitis is often drugs, especially eye drops and ointments. And allergic reaction can develop not only the drug substance but also on the preservative eye drops.