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Vitamins are good for vision

16 Aug 2010
Everyone knows how important the health of the body balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Some of them have a direct impact on our vision, contribute to its improvement and prevent the development of certain diseases.
Vitamin A (retinol)
Vitamin A can significantly improve the twilight vision, which is especially important when driving a car.
Prevents early development of cataracts.
It plays an important role in preventing macular degeneration of the retina (the disease develops mainly in the elderly, due to aging eyes in particular).
Provides excitation of rods of the retina.
This vitamin helps to synthesize visual pigment rhodopsin eye. Lack of vitamin A can influence the development and course of diseases such as keratitis and blepharitis.
Actually vitamin A (retinol) is found only in animal products. As products of plant origin contain pro-vitamin A - carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A. In its vitamin A activity of carotene three times less vitamin A. According to current research, considered normal if at least 1/3 of the need for vitamin A satisfied by the vitamin and the remaining 2/3 - carotene.
Vitamin A is found in foods like - fish oils (cod), liver, eggs, butter, cream, sour cream.
Contain carotene - carrots, blueberries, lettuce, green apples, apricots, watermelons, corn, bananas, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, green onions, parsley, rose, red pepper, nettle.
Lutein and zeaxanthin
About 30% of the population to sixty five years suffering from various eye diseases. Up to eighty years this figure reaches 50%. Scientifically proven role of lutein and zeaxanthin in the prevention and prevention of ophthalmic diseases such as:
cataract (clouding of the lens);
macular degeneration (the cause is a gradual process of aging eyes in particular, it can sometimes be due to trauma, infections, inflammatory diseases, high myopia, sometimes with heredity);
diabetic angiopathy (a process which mostly affects blood vessels of the retina of the eye - anhyoretynopatyya).
Lutein and zeaxanthin belong to a class of carotenoids and are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants - are compounds that protect cell membranes and other structures from the harmful effects of free radicals ??. Eyes like other organs and tissues exposed to free radicals.
With a vast variety of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin only been discovered in the retina, where they are concentrated to 70% of the total content in the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin are also contained in the iris of the eye, the lens and ciliary body.
At birth, man receives the necessary dose of lutein and zeaxanthin. But under the influence of adverse environmental factors, the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin for life decreases. Man can not synthesize carotenoids, their income depends on the power supply, so you need to ensure receipt of lutein and zeaxanthin in a ratio.
Both karotynoyda from food into the bloodstream and eventually accumulate in ocular tissue. It should be noted that of all the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin only accumulate in ocular tissue. If these carotenoids are sufficient, they help minimize the damage caused by free radicals and protect the eyes from harmful effects. Due to the fact that the eye tissue is constantly exposed to strong UV rays, sufficient intake of lutein from food is the guarantee that it will be protected. If lutein enters the body only with food, it can be produced zeaxanthin in eye tissue from lutein.
Our studies and analysis of the risk of age-related eye diseases indicate that the most effective lutein and zeaxanthin ratio 5: 1.
Contains these elements not only in plant foods. Below are products with the highest content of these elements (they do not occur separately), spinach, cabbage, kale leaf, squash, corn, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, lettuce, green beans, pistachios, eggs and avocado.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin C is as important for vision, like the rest, but it does not correspond to one or two, but for a lot of physical and biochemical processes occurring in the tissues of the eye:
reduces the risk of glaucoma by reducing the intraocular pressure by creating antiokyslitelnoy protection;
as antioxidant reduces the likelihood of cataracts and slows the development of an existing illness;
helps prevent disease of the retina caused by light and free radicals;
prevents oxidation of visual pigments, thus preventing their loss adjusting and recovery;
improves state of the fundus vessels, preventing serious bleeding in the retina or vitreous, due to its properties to strengthen capillary walls;
retains mobility of eye muscles;
improves the perception and transmission of visual signal;
keeps the optic nerve;
maintains the necessary level of collagen in the lens and vitreous body.
Deficiency of vitamin C in the body can lead to:
blurred vision;
macular degeneration;
macular degeneration;
retinopathy (NOT zapalneurazhennya retina of the eyeball, based on blood supply disorder);
sudden bleeding in the eye.
The concentration of immune substances such as interferon, which is responsible for producing vitamin C, second only lens nervous system and the adrenal cortex. If neuropsychiatric stress, above all, shows the use of vitamin C, otherwise, a man waits eye fatigue, decreased visual activity, the lower the tone of eye muscles and as a result, the total loss of vision.
Smoking, destroying the body reserves of this vitamin, eventually leading to irreversible degeneration of the retina. Birth control pills and aspirin may also reduce levels of vitamin C in the blood.
This vitamin is not synthesized in the human body. Also in humans no any significant reserves of vitamin C, so you need regular, daily intake of the vitamin from food. The main sources of vitamin C are vegetables, fruits and herbs. Especially a lot of it in peppers, horseradish, berries of mountain ash, black currant, blueberry, sea-buckthorn, rose hips, strawberries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, tangerines, cabbage (both fresh and pickled), in spinach, dill, parsley, apples , sorrel. Although potatoes contain much less vitamin C than the above products, but taking into account its importance in our diet, it should be recognized along with the cabbage, the main source of supply of vitamin C. When storing, freezing, heat treatment, light exposure, vitamin C is destroyed. Just collision acting on it with copper and iron.
Vitamin P
The term "vitamin E" is a collective term. This term combines a group of substances - bioflavonoids, which have similar biological effects. Bioflavonoids - a natural polyphenols, covering today fairly large group of compounds. The most famous of them, rutin, catechin, kvartsetyn, citrine, hespiridin, eriodiktiol, Cyanidin, anthocyanins.
All they have a common feature - the ability to strengthen capillary walls, the so-called P-vitamin activity. Bioflavonoids except normalization and strengthening state capillaries and increase their strength, have the ability to activate the oxidative processes in tissues and enhance recovery dehydroaskorbynovoy acid in highly active ascorbic acid. Therefore, bioflavonoids increase the availability of vitamin C.
Vitamin P is contained mainly in the same plant productivity, which is found ascorbic acid, black currants, rose hips, sorrel, green tea, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, cabbage, parsley, plums, apples, berries, buckwheat, white shell under Skin citrus, cherries, chёrnoplodnoy mountain ash, red beets.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)
Vitamin E is able to provide a beneficial effect in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:
detachment of the retina (affects as an antioxidant with vitamin C and beta-carotene);
diabetic retinopathy eye;
macular degeneration.
Vitamin E - a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it dissolves and remains in the fatty tissues of the body, thereby reducing the need for consumption of large amounts of the vitamin.
Tocopherol soderzhytsya mainly in plant foods. The richest them unrefined vegetable oils: soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, peanut, corn, sea buckthorn. The most active tocopherol in sunflower oil. Vitamin E is found in almost all foods, but especially the many grain and bean sprouts (sprouts wheat and rye, peas), vegetables - broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, spinach, parsley tops, seeds hips. Some amount contained in meat, fat, eggs, milk, beef liver.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 is important for the normal functioning of the vision:
reduces eye fatigue;
participates in building visual purple;
protects the retina from harmful UV rays ??;
provides normal vision - the sharpness of perception of color and light;
temnovuyu adaptation controls (effect together with vitamin A).
C lack of vitamin B2 bind:
`yunktyvit frequent con;
watery eyes;
vospolitelnyh disease of the cornea;
development of cataracts;
pain in the eyes.
This vitamin called riboflavin because its molecule formed of two substances: ribose (hydrogen) and flavin (yellow pigment). At the beginning of the twentieth century it was noticed that while one part of the complex of vitamins "B" destroyed by heat, other parts of the complex were more resistant to high temperatures. This discovery allowed to separate vitamin B1 (very unstable to heat) of vitamin B2, which resists high temperatures without changing its molecular structure. This molecule resistant to heat managed to get in 1933, when it was identified with substance painted in yellow. The product, initially named lactochrome was then artificially synthesized and got its present name "riboflavin".
The main sources of vitamin B2 are: milk, meat (especially liver, heart and kidneys), eggs, leafy green vegetables, whole wheat bread, organic cereals, apples, fish, brewer's yeast.
It should be noted that the excess in the body of certain vitamins (hypervitaminosis), as well as the lack of content may adversely affect human health. Since the daily dose of vitamins consumption depends on factors such as gender, age, presence or absence of bad habits, work environment, because of this issue is best to consult with your health medicinal
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