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Computer eye syndrome

27 Sep 2010
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) - this term was first put into use in 1998, "the American Association of Optometrists." CVS - specific blurred vision (asthenopia) in people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. It is believed that this syndrome occurs daily in 40% of the people working on the computer, and occasionally - 92% of users.
CVS symptoms can be divided into two groups.
Symptoms first group associated with the various manifestations of impaired vision, blurred vision; slowing refocusing from near objects to distant and back (disturbance of accommodation); dvoyitysya items start in the eyes; there is fatigue in reading; eye effect occurs Mc Calah - the translation view the screen in black or white subject, he "painted" in a color that dominated the screen.
There are five main causes of the syndrome CVS: Pixel structure image. It is well known that the image on the monitor is supplied not as solid lines, and in the form of dots (pixels), and the eyes react badly to these pictures; Permanent directly aimed glow of the screen. A familiar and comfortable to the eye is reflected light. Direct glow is "tired" not only eyes, but brain; Low contrast, which often have monitors. After eye strain and quickly get tired; Frame scanning. The screen is not static, although it seems so, and shimmering. It consists of many small points that are lit and extinguished with some frequency. The lower frequency flashing, the greater the load receiving eyes; Reflections on the monitor. They appear as a reflection of other objects that glow.
Here are some guidelines you can follow to reduce the likelihood of CVS.
Recommendations for workplace illumination: The computer must be located so that the windows were to the side of the monitor, and not behind or in front of him; Sunlight should not fall on the screen; Ceiling lamps should not shine too bright; Well, if the workstation is equipped with a lamp on a tripod, it enables to adjust the lighting depending on how you work (how far you sit, what your height, yet light source is in the room). The lamp is desirable to use conventional, not daylight, since the latter, according to some research, may increase fatigue. The lamp should be bright enough, completely cover the text you're working.
The symptoms of the second group associated with physical discomfort evident in her eyes, feeling of tiredness in the eyes; frequent blinking; sensation of veil before the eyes; burning sensation in the eyes; a feeling of "sand" under the eyelids; a sense of pain when moving eyes; red eyes; lacrimation.
Recommendations for characteristics and settings of the monitor: If possible, you should use the monitors with a diagonal of at least seventeen inches; High contrast monitor. Signs and images on the screen should be ten times brighter than the screen background. Speaking of text image, the best is to use a combination of black and white. Dark background colors are best avoided; Image refresh rate should be at least 85 Hz; The degree of resolution for color monitors (grain size) should be 0.28 mm and below; The screen brightness should be adjusted depending on the general room illumination.
Unfortunately this is not always possible because the first room illumination depending on time of day, and secondly, not every user is able to adjust the brightness of the monitor a few times a day. However, there are so-called Smart Monitor, which provides automatic adjustment of brightness depending on the ambient light.
There is an easy way to check whether the set brightness of your screen. Look for any white image on the screen. For example, image a clean sheet in a document Word. If the white blinds or recalls shining lamp, the brightness should be reduced, and if the feeling is that between the screen and placed eyes gray filter, the brightness should be increased. The monitor should be positioned slightly below eye level - the center of the monitor should be 4-8 cm below your line of sight, at an angle of about 10º. The fact is that when you look directly formed wider eye slit and, accordingly, a large evaporation zone tears and eye contact with air. Also, if the center of the monitor above or below this limit, the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back too strained, which exacerbates the symptoms of discomfort and visual fatigue. Text size you're working with should be three times larger than the minimum size that you can distinguish from the distance at which you are currently working.
Recommendations for users use contact lenses: If the room is working air conditioning, or fan, it is necessary that air would flow from these devices is not blowing in your face that would avoid excessive evaporation of moisture from the mucosa eyes. Consult with your ophthalmologist - it will help pick up special drops that have a moisturizing effect and reduce inflammation and redness of the eyes. Treat carefully selecting the type of contact lenses.
Exercises to relax the eye: During operation remember to blink. Do this as often as possible. Take breaks at work - a few short breaks every hour of work, with the view to move the objects are at different distances from you on the clock, flowers, street outside. Or do every hour big break - 15 minutes. Preferably on average every two hours doing exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and back. The rotation of the head, a few slopes, movements shoulders. This will relieve the tension that accumulated. During the break should look relaxed couple of minutes "to nowhere," the best in the distance outside. Close your eyes without squinting, and rotate in a circle eyeballs clockwise and back. Four times in each direction. Close your eyes, and look up and then down - eight times. During thirty seconds must look ahead and blink rapidly. Exercise must be repeated three times.
It should be noted that to date not been established that the work on the computer leads to diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts, we know that it can reduce the amount of accommodation over the age norm and contribute to progression (and sometimes appearance) myopia. This applies particularly to children and adolescents, as in this age is the process of formation.
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