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Minerals are good for vision

21 Aug 2010
Iron is considered the most active mineral mineral from all systems of the body, so it needs constant updating. Prozapas accumulate it difficult, although it is deposited in the kidneys and liver, but if stocks are not replenished, they quickly depleted.
The problems that are associated with iron deficiency include unexplained, seemingly blurred vision.
According to scientists, there are two forms of iron contained in food: organic form - heme, inorganic - nehem.
Heme found in meat products and easily digestible. Nehem is in vegetables, and absorbed only with adequate content of vitamin C, iron assimilation nehem prevents caffeine, tannins, phosphates and other substances. They help absorb iron organic acids, ascorbic acid, fructose, minerals - copper, cobalt, manganese.
So are the sources of iron - meat, liver, fish, poultry, shellfish, oysters, beans, beans, peas, sprouted wheat, rock salt, prune juice, dried apricots, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, brown bread, bread, flour, cereals, herbs, cabbage
This refers to the mineral and trace elements present in all living organisms. Doctors believe appropriate use of iodine preparations containing it, in case of cataract in the early stages of development. Unfortunately, cataracts completely stop using iodine can not, but this process (distribution cataracts, decreased visual acuity) can be slow. Some ophthalmologists see pharmacological action of iodine vrozsmoktuvannya pockets of turbidity in the later stages of cataracts. At the same time limiting long-term use of these drugs is associated with oppressive effect of iodine on the lens epithelial cells.
For the prevention of diseases of the need to maintain the availability of iodine in the body. Man gets iodine from the outside: 90% of the food, and the rest - water and air.
Major food sources of iodine:
Seafood - fish (salted herring, hake, pollock, saffron cod, cod, salmon, catfish, ice, salmon), fish oil, mussels, shrimp, seaweed.
Vegetables - beets, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions, beans, garlic.
Fruits, berries, nuts - persimmons, apples, grapes, cherries, plums, apricots, pineapple guava, strawberries, walnuts and pine nuts.
Cereals - buckwheat, millet, wheat flour.
Dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, milk.
When cooked iodine better preserved if:
pour water so that it only covered the contents of the pan;
when cooking vegetables omit them entirely or coarsely chopped in boiling water, and even better prepare them for a couple, tightly closed pot.
With strong boiling destroyed 50% of iodine in meat and fish, and 30% - in vegetables and fruits. Milk prolonged boiling loses 25% mineral.
Another effective way to prevent iodine deficiency is the consumption of iodized salt. But here are a few points:
when heated iodine evaporates almost completely and therefore better not to salt the dish during cooking, and just before use;
iodized salt retains its medicinal properties only for 3-4 months after production, so you need to pay attention to the date printed on the package;
keep such salt should be according to the rules - if it otsyrevaet or long stays in an open salt shaker, iodine evaporates.
It is necessary to point out that iodine in the form of its alcohol solution, which in everyday life we ​​use for the treatment of abrasions, etc. D. In no case can not be applied to the inside. The reason - a whopping dose of iodine contained in its alcohol solution. Being the most powerful oxidizer iodine destroys or damages cells. In addition, it binds to blood proteins to form irreversible connection.
Potassium is an essential micronutrient for maintaining good vision. It greatly improves blood flow to the organs of vision. Thus preventing their aging and weakness.
Potassium is found in apples, apple vinegar (natural), cranberries, parsley, meat, fish, milk, cereals, potatoes, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, honey.
One of the most common minerals. Calcium is alkaline. Therefore, its supplementation reduces acidification of the body due to unfavorable external and internal factors.
The formation of acids in the body promote physical activity, nervous stress, increased chlorine in the water, acids contained in fruits, high content in the diet of yeast bread, high-protein diet.
Of course, playing in acid metabolism is important value, but on one condition - subject to acid-base balance. With the prevalence of acid environment there are various diseases associated with the destruction of the vessels. For example, mikrokapilyariv damage leads to vision loss.
Calcium has a beneficial effect in:
cleaning of old inflammation of the pigment layer of the eye;
treatment of conjunctivitis;
treating photophobia, intolerance toest eyes light;
excessive blinking;
A lack of calcium consumption causes frequent seizures muscles supporting the lens and the eye responsible for mobility.
Calcium absorption is better in the presence of vitamin D, vitamin C and polyunsaturated fatty acids and lactose.
In this process the very important role of magnesium. His lack rotating leaching of calcium from bones and transfer it in the kidneys. Excess calcium as harmful as deficiency. There hiperkaltsemiya, impaired muscle and nerve tissue, increased blood clotting.
Dairy products are a major source of calcium, accounting for 55% of its reception. Vegetable sources include zelёnolistovye vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage Garden, spinach, turnip leaves, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus. Calcium also contain corn tortillas (corn for which the preparation is treated with lime), egg yolks, beans, lentils, nuts, figs and food specially enriched them. Another good source of dietary calcium is often not, which is taken into account - soft bones salmon and sardines, which we eat with the consumption of this food.
Magnesium - provides absorbability of calcium (more magnesium and especially calcium). Accordingly, it can be safely attributed to minerals that help preserve vision in order.
Unfortunately, magnesium is produced by the body with great difficulty, while it is easily lost in alcohol, sweet food, coffee, and during stress, and perform muscular work.
Special deceit magnesium deficiency is that when a person makes a standard blood test results show normal or even excess magnesium. After all, to maintain a constant level of blood magnesium is mobilized from the bones, where 60% of the magnesium body. In addition, when blood samples for 2-3 hours waiting for their turn in the lab, the blood cells are destroyed, releasing them being magnesium.
This mineral is found in bread, milk, broccoli, beef, pork, herring, cheese, chicken, bananas, corn, eggs, fennel, spinach, rice, beans, oatmeal, peanuts, almonds, beans, grains, cocoa, marine products, and certain mineral waters.
Manganese deficiency noted in many violations of:
reduction in visual acuity;
night blindness;
Manganese is contained mainly in plant foods - mation, hazelnuts, blueberries, soy flour, beans, beans, oats, wheat. In smaller doses is oysters, eggs, tuna, pork, beef, cow's milk.
This mineral promotes the protection of diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.
We get copper from food, with copper content in them depends on the number of soil and can grow significantly if the soil will fertilize sernokysloy copper.
Products containing copper - leaf ginseng, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds, eggs, pork, liver and kidney, crab, shrimp, lobster, lobster, nuts, leafy vegetables, peas, beans, meal and bread with her.
But one undeniable advantage, which our body receives from copper, one must know that copper is a toxic element. Copper compounds, especially sulfur, toxic (Hrinshpan). Excess copper in the body can have the opposite effect.
Sodium belongs to the group of macronutrients, which together with trace elements play a crucial role in the body. They are necessary for normal functioning as a single cell and whole organism, including organs of vision.
It is proved that sodium comes from the sweat, the need for it because the body feels almost constantly. This is especially true of people who lead active lifestyles, especially athletes.
Since the body can not produce sodium, its stock can be replenished only with taking normal diet and various food additives.
The most popular and accessible source of sodium - salt (sodium chloride). Other sources of sodium - a sea salt, soy sauce quality and various options for salty foods, including pickles, canned meat, sauerkraut and meat broth. Experts advise prefer purified sea salt, since it holds no water in the body.
A considerable amount of sodium include: rye bread, hard cheese, meat, beef, eggs, milk.
In a small amount of sodium present in seaweed, oysters, crabs, fresh carrots and beets. These plants like chicory, celery and dandelion macro also contain sodium.
Sodium can also get drinking enough mineral water.
Lack and excess sodium
For a balanced sodium in the body correspond to the kidneys, they either hold or release sodium, depending on its content in the body. Therefore, under normal environmental conditions and with stable kidney function - can occur either deficit or surplus sodium. But in some cases, such as during exercise heat, profuse sweating for a long time, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea may increase the human need for sodium.
Excess sodium can cause excessive eating salt, in diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, neurosis. People with impaired renal excretory function and ottёkam also prone to a high probability of more accumulation of sodium in the body that leads to negative results.
Lack of sodium can cause increased tearfulness, as one of the manifestations of disorders in the body.
Until the sixties of the twentieth century it was believed that selenium is a poison and nothing more. But in the sixties, it was found that selenium in the right doses are extremely useful element for the body.
Today we know that the content of selenium in the cells depends visual acuity. Suffice it to say that the highest selenium content in the bodies of eagles in there. Also selenium:
significantly slows the aging process visual cells;
svyazavaet and neutralizes free radicals;
protects the blood vessels of the eye from damaging effects of oxidative stress;
improves cellular metabolism and inhibits the process of sclerosis of the arteries eye;
supports normal functioning of the retina, prevent degeneration of the optic nerve.
Remember that excess selenium is harmful and leads to such diseases as "selenoz." A man need only "traces" of selenium.
Selenium is found in sea and rock salts, kidney (pork, beef and veal), in the liver and heart, in the eggs of birds. Rich in selenium sea products - fish, especially herring, crab, lobster, lobster, shrimp and squid. With plant products rich in selenium wheat bran, sprouted wheat, corn, tomatoes, yeast, mushrooms and garlic and brown bread and other wheat products, grinding.
Selena is not in processed foods - canned and concentrates and all cooked foods and refined his half less than fresh.
Phosphorus is actively involved in the absorption of vitamins that affect vision, and converting food into vital energy. Therefore, it is extremely reasonable consumption necessary condition for maintaining the health of the body.
Go to note that phosphorus is absorbed only in the right combination with calcium. For an adult the correct ratio of calcium to phosphorus of 1.5: 1, in this case, phosphorus and calcium create insoluble compounds necessary for zhyznydeyatelnosty rights. Violation of the ratio phosphorus builds up in the body, leading to irregularities in his work. Lack of phosphorus can also lead to desirable outcomes.
The optimum combination of these substances in soderzhytsya fat cheese and hazelnuts.
In beets, cabbage Markov and combination close to optimal. By product which is mainly phosphorus include walnuts, fish, fruits, garlic, egg yolk, milk products, haroh, beans, corn, beef liver, pork, cheese, cereals (ovsyannaya, millet, buckwheat), potatoes, tomatoes, apple. To maintain balance, these products should be combined with foods high in calcium.
Chrome takes an active part in the neurons of the retina responsible for the feeling of light and color. Lack of chromium can enhance vision problems.
Chromium is found in foods in very low concentrations. With the normal diet it enters the body in an amount only slightly higher than the lower limit of the physiological needs of adults in chrome. Improper and monotonous food quickly leads to chromium deficiency. Remember that calcium carbonate can reduce the ability to assimilate chromium and lead to chromium deficiency in the body.
In food chromium is present in the form of inorganic salts as well as a special integrated connection is active form of chromium. Assimilation of inorganic salts of chromium is extremely low and is only 0.5-0.7% of that comes from food.
Chromium content is highest in beef liver and also in meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, zёrnobobovyh, pearl barley, rye flour, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, cheese, beans, peas, black pepper, nuts, corn oil and Melissa.
Zinc - one of the main antioxidants. The worse environmental conditions - the greater the amount of zinc required body. he:
protects from damage caused by bright light eyes;
participate in reactions antiokisleniya;
required for the transformation of retinol (vitamin A) to retinal, is used for the formation of visual pigment of the retina.
Zinc deficiency in the body is associated with:
retinal detachment;
development retrobulbar neuritis;
development of blepharitis;
tsvetorazlychenyya reduction;
the formation of cataracts.
Sources of zinc extensive - oysters, lean meat, liver, eggs, fish, sesame seeds, pine nuts, apples, oranges, lemons, figs, hrepfruta, green vegetables, mineral water, honey, raspberries, black currants, dates, most of the sea fish, milk, rice, beets, asparagus, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, corn, onions, garlic, oats and barley flour, cocoa, corn, peas, beans, lentils, green tea, squid.
Usually in meat products zinc digestibility coefficient higher than the plant.
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